The keto diet is known for recommending consuming a small percentage of carbohydrates, and the positive side is that you can always be full, even though you are losing weight.

By lowering carbohydrate intake, a body known as ketosis occurs, which is what this diet is called.

Ketosis is a natural process where the body produces ketones by dissolving the fat accumulated in the liver.

The ultimate goal of this process is to speed up the work of metabolism and break down the stored carbohydrates, and get them the energy they need instead of the calories you burn.

What Are The Benefits Of A Keto Diet?
Weight reduction,
Controlling blood sugar,
Increase focus,
Increasing energy,
Controlling appetite,
Lowering bad cholesterol and blood pressure,
Acne skin cleanser.

What is eaten and what is forbidden during the Keto diet?
Grains – Wheat, Corn, Cereals,

Sugar – honey, maple syrup,

Fruits – bananas, apples, oranges,

Potato and sweet potato.

Meat – fish, beef, lamb,

Green leafy vegetables

Growing vegetables – broccoli, cauliflower,

High-fat dairy products

Nuts and seeds

Avocado and forest fruits

Stevia-based sweeteners

Other fats – coconut oil, salad dressing, saturated fat.

Specifically, your daily diet plan should look like this:

Example daily menu for Keto Diet:

Breakfast: Naruto on a slice of butter and lettuce and avocado salad

Snack: Sunflower

Lunch: Spinach with grilled salmon

Snack: Celery sticks with guacamole

Dinner: Pork with red cabbage salad and cauliflower puree

Breakfast: Soft cheese omelette, chopped vegetables and tomato sauce

Snack: Cream with nuts

Lunch: Chicken breast with lettuce, cucumber and goat cheese salad

Snack: Almond Milk, Green Vegetables and Almond or Peanut Butter

Dinner: Baked shrimp with lemon and asparagus or green vegetables on request

Breakfast: Egg roasted in avocado

Snack: Vegetable Chips on request

Lunch: Beef burger with lettuce leaves, avocado and salad optional

Snack: Chopped cheese and slices of sweet pepper

Dinner: Butter trout and salad with green leafy vegetables

Bonus tip:

Become aware of your own health and body, eat properly, combine nutrition properly, be physically active and not only will you have the ideal weight, but you will also be healthier, happier, and more comfortable with all the challenges in life! !!