Sometimes most people forget that the colon is as important as the liver, kidney and heart.

Its basic function is based on the formation of hard fecal matter from degraded food residues and the level of ejection. On average, this process takes 15 hours.

Bowel health is of great importance for the overall health of the digestive system.

The benefits of colon cleansing help prevent constipation, reduce the risk of colon cancer, increase energy, improve liver function, boost immunity, speed up metabolism, and speed up the process of slimming.

Apple juice, ginger and lemon are recommended for all people. The drink will improve your health and keep you energized and vital all day long.


One Apple

Half Ginger Root

One Lemon

Cup of water

Honey (optional for taste)


Cut half ginger root into small slices, and add it into water pot to boil. Remove the ginger water from fire and let it chill for 15 minutes. Then, use a juicer to blend the apple. Peel the lemon and add it in the blender along with an apple or squeeze it separately on the traditional method. When ginger water is chilled add it into the blender along with lemon and apple juice, and blend it all together, and blend. You should get two servings of this juice. Add some honey for taste.

Consume at least a month or two and you will feel reborn. Apple juice, ginger and lemon is a powerful healthy bomb that needs to be experienced.