Hot ginger tea is great for warming up on a cold day or for when you’re feeling under the weather. See health benefits, side effects, and how to make this herbal tea quickly using fresh ginger.

Ginger tea is a drink made by steeping fresh or dried ginger in water. It’s an herbal beverage and doesn’t contain any caffeine.

Ginger used in tea is the root of a flowering plant and it can be eaten raw or cooked. It’s spicy so a little goes a long way.

Ginger tea made from scratch, using fresh ginger, may seem like a lot of work, but it’s actually quick and easy using a couple of shortcuts.


  1. Contains Antioxidants
    Ginger is an excellent source of health-promoting antioxidant compounds. This mainly includes gingerols, parasols, and shogaols, according to an 2019 article.
    Antioxidants protect your cells by minimizing free radicals and oxidative stress, a major cause of chronic disease.
  2. Reduces Inflammation
    The antioxidants in ginger also have anti-inflammatory effects on the body. They work by reducing certain proteins, called pro-inflammatory cytokines, which are involved in inflammation.

This may help manage inflammatory diseases, like rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, or inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).

  1. Minimizes Nausea
    The next time you’re feeling nauseous, reach for a hot cup of ginger tea. According to the 2019 article, ginger can ease nausea caused by surgery, medication, motion sickness, or pregnancy.

Ginger also helps control other digestive issues like gas, bloating, stomach cramping, which often appear with nausea.

  1. Manages High Blood Pressure
    One of the biggest risk factors for heart disease is high blood pressure, or hypertension.

Ginger can reduce the risk by increasing substances that widen blood vessels, ultimately improving blood flow and reducing pressure.

  1. Protects Brain Function
    The health benefits of ginger extend to your brain, too. According to a 2021 article, the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects of gingerols and shogaols can protect your neurons, or nerve cells.

This may reduce the risk of neurodegenerative conditions like Alzheimer’s disease, as well as other memory disorders.


Fresh ginger
Find ginger root in the produce section of your supermarket. Look for firm pieces that look plump and don’t get ones that are shriveled.
Sliced lemons or lemon juice both work.
Use any kind of honey you have available.
Tea is mostly made of water so use filtered water if possible.


Peel and grate ginger.
Grate ginger straight into the teapot.
Add lemon slices and hot water into the teapot.
Cover and steep.
Strain solids and pour hot tea into a teacup. Add honey to taste.
Adjust ginger as needed.
Add as much or little ginger as you like since it can get too spicy. For a serving of 1 cup of water, I’m using an half inch of ginger root. If you want a milder taste, use less ginger.

Scrape the ginger peel using a spoon.
Instead of peeling the knobby ginger root, use a spoon to scrape off the peel.

Keep grated ginger in the freezer.
You can grate ginger ahead of time and freeze it. Store it in a resealable plastic bag, flattening it before freezing. When you need some grated ginger, snap off a piece.

Use lemon juice instead.
Instead of sliced lemons, you can also use the juice from half a lemon.

Make it iced!
For a refreshing summer drink, make it iced by cooling the drink down, then adding ice.

No need to buy the entire ginger root.
Avoid buying fresh ginger root that’s shriveled and dry. Look for one that’s plump and firm. Ginger is usually sold by weight don’t be afraid to break off a piece of the freshest ginger root in the pile if it’s too big.