Combine a mix of olive oil and warm coffee grounds.

Incorporate enough olive oil to make a thick paste then rub into problem areas to stimulate the blood flow.
Massage vigorously for a few minutes then shower to wash it all away.
Treatment can also be intensified by applying to skin then covering with plastic wrap. After 15 minutes pull off the plastic and shower to remove all the paste.
Repeat this procedure 2 to 3 times a week.

Another recipe you can try: 1 cup fresh grounds with a 1/2 cup each of brown sugar, sea salt and almond oil. Seal in a jar and store in a cool, dry place (shelf life is about 4 weeks). Deeply massage in for at least 5 minutes each time.

Additional Remedies
Rub concerning areas with a loofah sponge and slightly warmed olive oil for a few minutes before showering.
Deeply massage trouble spots regularly to work on the fatty bumps and lumps plus increase circulation.
Bathe twice a week with 2 cups of coarse sea salt added to the water.
Dimple Buster: Combine 1 TBS Honey with 1 TBS baking soda, add 1.5 tsp of lukewarm water then aggressively work into tummy, thighs and legs for 3 minutes until skin tone is flushed. You can decrease/add water if consistency isn’t right.