Belly fat is one of the most common weight gain woes . Here are 5 yoga asanas that can help you shed that stubborn belly fat.

1.  Kapal Bhati

In Sanskrit, ‘Kapal’ means skull and ‘bhati’ means ‘shining/illuminating’. Therefore, this kapalbhati pranayam is also known as “skull shining breathing technique”.


– Sit in a comfortable pose.

– Straighten your back and close your eyes.

– Place your palms on your knees facing up.

– Inhale normally and focus on exhaling with a short, rhythmic and forceful breath.

– You can use your stomach to forcefully expel all the air from the diaphragm and lungs by compressing it.

– Inhalation should happen automatically while you decompress your stomach.


It strengthens and stimulates the digestive system and abdominal muscles. It strengthens the nasal passages and removes blockages in the chest. It promotes blood circulation. It improves the complexion of the skin and brings a glow on the face. It increases memory power. It gives mental clarity and helps overcome stress and depression. It removes any extra fat from the body.

2.  Naukasana (boat pose)

Formation of the posture

– Lie down on your back.

– Lift up your upper and lower body to balance on your sitting bones.

– Your toes must be aligned with your eyes.

– Keep your knees and back straight.

– Keep your arms parallel to the ground and pointing forward.

– Tighten your abdominal muscles.

– Straighten your back.

– Inhale and exhale normally.


It strengthens lower back, stomach and leg muscles. It improves the functioning of the digestive system. It tones the waist and promotes weight loss. It removes gastrointestinal discomfort. It eliminates lethargy. It builds the abdominal muscles. It stimulates circulatory, nervous and hormonal systems.

Breathing Methodology

Inhale as you lift your body off the floor. Inhale and exhale normally if you hold the asana for too long.

3. Vasishtasana (side plank pose)

Formation of the posture

– Begin with Santholanasan. (Plank)

– With your left palm firmly on the ground, remove your right hand off the floor.

– Turn your entire body to face the right side and lift your right leg off the floor and place it over your left leg.

– Raise your right arm above and keep your fingers pointing to the sky.

– Ensure that both your knees, heels and feet are in contact with each other.

– Ensure that both arms and shoulders are in one straight line

– Turn your head and look up at your right hand

– Hold the asana for a while

– Repeat the same on the left side


It slowly builds your capacity to hold this asana for long periods of time will help you gain immense arm and core strength. It burns fat around your waist. It improves sense of balance. It boosts concentration. It strengthens wrists and shoulders

Breathing Methodology

Inhale as you lift your body off the floor. Inhale and exhale normally if you hold the asana for too long.

4. Santolanasana (plank pose)

Formation of the posture

– Lie on your stomach.

– Place your palms under your shoulders and lift your upper body, pelvis and knees up.

– Use your toes to grip the floor and keep the knees straight.

– Ensure that your knees, pelvis and spine are aligned

– Your wrists must be placed exactly below your shoulders with your arms kept straight

– Hold the final posture for a while


It strengthens thigh, arms and shoulders. It makes the spine and abdominal muscles robust. It builds the core muscles. It improves balance in the nervous system. It stimulates the Manipura chakra. It energizes the entire body and instills a feeling of positivity. It develops a sense of inner equilibrium and harmony.

Breathing Methodology

Inhale as you lift your body off the floor. Inhale and exhale normally if you hold the asana for too long.