It’s no secret that having a strong glute is important for many aspects of your health, from posture to avoiding lower back pain.

Whether it’s plopping down on the couch after a long day or just standing around, your butt goes through a lot of abuse. The muscles present in your glute help you run, jump, and turn. They’re deeply involved in lower-body development, providing the power and strength that make your thighs slim, taut and firm.

You can’t always transform the shape of your glutes, but with the appropriate exercises, you can make them strong and firm.

These are some of the best butt exercises for your glute, which are very basic and easy to do.

6 Best Glute Exercises

1. Lunges

No matter your fitness level, lunges are a good exercise to include in your workout routine. Lunges work with many muscles, including your glutes and quads. They also work your hamstrings and calves.

Here’s how you do lunges:

• Start by standing with your feet wide apart and your hands on your hips.

• Bend one knee. Take a long step forward, keeping your torso upright and your front knee above the front ankle.

• Squeeze your glutes as you step back into the starting position.

• Repeat 10-15 times on each leg.

2. Isometric Glute Bridge

The glute bridge works the hamstrings, lower back, abs—and the glutes! With similar benefits to a squat, this exercise doesn’t stress your lower back. It’s also good for people with knee or hip issues.

Here’s how you do isometric glute bridge:

• Lie on your back. Bend your knees, feet placed flat on the ground.

• Engage your core, then squeeze your glutes to lift your hips toward the ceiling.

• Keep your chin tucked into your chest and upper back on the ground while holding this position for 30 seconds.

3. Banded Leg Lift

Leg lifts primarily target this muscle, which has various advantages, including improved hip range of motion. Body stability is improved. This is specially recommended for people who sit for long amounts of time on a daily basis.

How to do a banded leg lift:

• Get on your hands and knees with a resistance band wrapped around your thighs.

• Straighten your left leg, lift it a couple more inches, then lower it back to hip height.

• Switch the other leg & repeat.

4. Walking Lunges

Walking lunges can help improve flexibility and range of motion, which help improve posture and balance, which is important for athletes, casual exercisers, and fitness novices alike.

Here’s how you do walking lunges:

• Stand with feet together, holding weights at shoulder height, elbows bent in front of body.

• Step right foot forward and bend knees to lower into a lunge, stopping when both legs form right angles.

• Press through right heel to rise.

• Repeat for the other leg

5. Kneeling Hip Extensions

Hip extensions—another compound exercise—are a great way of targeting your glutes. You’ll also work with your core and shoulders, which are secondary muscle groups in this exercise.

Keep your hands under your shoulders and your knees under your hips.

• Keeping your right knee bent lift your right leg to hip height so that it is parallel to the ground. Slowly take your leg back down.