We make pasta in a single pan. It’s fast and extremely delicious. It’s our house’s favorite pasta. If you haven’t tried it, you should definitely try it.
Creamy pasta with chicken and mushrooms

(for 4 people)
8 tagliatelle pasta
300g chicken breast
200g mushrooms
1 onion
1 box of cream
2 glasses of water
Red pepper
Black pepper

Preparation of;
Let’s slice the chicken thinly, sauce it with oil, salt, red pepper, black pepper and thyme, put it in the pan and fry it both sides.
Put the onion and mushrooms in the pan and fry them over high heat without releasing any water. Add the cream and 1 glass of water and bring them to a boil. Let’s add the pasta, add enough water to cover it, add the spices and cook with the lid closed on medium heat until the pasta becomes soft. When it is cooked, add the kashar and parsley if desired and mix. Bon appetit to everyone who tries it. There is no need to add extra oil. The oil of the cream and kashar is enough. If you want, add a tablespoon of butter while cooking the mushrooms and onions.